Séminaires généraux

Activity of the cosmic-ray group in the Nagoya university and the MOA project

par M. Sako Takashi (Nagoya University)

Salle 101 (LAL - Orsay)

Salle 101

LAL - Orsay

MOA (Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics) is a project to search gravitational microlens. Gravitaional microlens is a phenomenon that a massive stellar object amplifies brightness of a background star. Through this effect, invisible objects like MACHOs (MAssive Compact Halo Objects) and extla-solar planets can be studies. Because the probabolity of microlens is very small, event survey with fide field telescopes is important. MOA is leading the field by using the widest field survey telescope. MOA is conducted mainly by the cosmic-ray group in the Nagoya university. The group also conducts the studies of solar energetic particles, neutrino astrophysics using Super-Kamiokande, cosmic-ray interaction using LHC, paleoclimate using cosmic-ray induced radio isotopes. I will also introduce our acitivity together with the detail of the MOA project.