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7–8 févr. 2018
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

WaveCatcher analysis software development and aplications

7 févr. 2018, 11:20
200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann (IJCLab)

200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann


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Andrii Natochii (CNRS-LAL) Leonid Burmistrov (CNRS - LAL)


Within this work we shortly represent analysis software for WaveCatcher raw data treatment. The software is based on C++ and root libraries, bash is used to run analysis scrips.
Different modules are developed for binary/ASCII and/or measurements/rates/waveform treatment.
The analysis path have tree main steps :
1) Conversion of WaveCatcher raw data into the root format.
2.1) waveform analysis (if needed).
2.2) Off-line merging the data into a common root file with data from another subsystems : translation stage, temperature or other sensors (if needed).
3) Histograming.
An important progress report is given about running of the WaveCatcher with MATLAB which open a large possibilities for on-line linking of different subsystems (translation stage for example).

Auteur principal

Leonid Burmistrov (CNRS - LAL)


Documents de présentation