X-BAND Technology Projects and Industry Status

200/1-101 - Salle 101 (IJCLab)

200/1-101 - Salle 101


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Nuria Catalan Lasheras (CERN)
Significant progress has been made over the past decade by studies of normal-conducting linear colliders, NLC/JLC (Next/Japanese Linear Collider) and CLIC (Compact Linear Collider), to raise achievable accelerating gradient from the range of 20-30 MV/m up to 100-120 MV/m. The gain has come through a greatly increased understanding of high-power Radio Frequency (RF) phenomena, development of quantitative high-gradient RF design methods, refinements in cavity fabrication techniques and through development of high peak RF power sources. 
The seminar will describe the developments made in the framework of the CLIC collaboration in the X-band technologies, for the CLIC project, but also for others applications which could potentially exploit the advance in high-gradient normal conducting-linac technology as: medical linacs, FELs and Compton-scattering gamma ray sources. 
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