Pour vous authentifier, privilégiez eduGAIN / To authenticate, prefer eduGAINeu

28–29 mai 2020
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Presenter's Guide

Oral Presentation

General information

  • Please send your powerpoint files to thepheniicsfest2020@gmail.com a day before your presentation.
  • Oral presentations must be in English.
  • The talks must be as pedagogical and/or simple as possible considering the fact that we all work on different fields. 
  • Each speaker must ensure that his presentation is no longer than 15 minutes. The session chairman will be strict on timing.
  • There is a maximum of five minutes of question and answer potion after each oral presentation.

Technical information

  • PowerPoint projection will be available in the auditorium.
  • Only the computers provided on site can be used. The video files attached to the presentation must be located in the same folder as the presentation files.

Poster Presentation

General information

  • The poster size must be in the size of 0.85 m in width and 1.2 m in height (A0) with the author’s name, affiliation, and title of the paper  indicated at the top section of the poster.
  • The posters will be presented and numbered according to the poster programme with the poster number  displayed on top of the board.


Posters will be displayed for the entire duration of the event  (May 28 to 29). However, focus will be made by having 3 poster sessions wherein presenters are expected to be standing next to their poster during the session assigned to them (posters labeled as either P1, P2, or P3 which will be communicated later).

  • Session I  for P1 (May 28 afternoon)
  • Session II for P2 (May 29 morning)
  • Session III for P3 (May 29 afternoon)