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30–31 mai 2017
Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL)
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

CUPID-Mo: A Double beta decay experiment with Li<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>100</SUP>MoO<SUB>4</SUB> scintillating bolometers

31 mai 2017, 13:00
Amphithéâtre Pierre Lehman (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL))

Amphithéâtre Pierre Lehman

Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL)

Bâtiment 200, 91440 Orsay, France
Talk Neutrinos


Mlle Anastasiia Zolotarova (CEA/IRFU/SPP)


        Neutrinoless double beta decay is a hypothetical rare nuclear transition, whose observation can give us information about the neutrino absolute mass scale and hierarchy. The existence of this process will prove that lepton number conservation can be violated and consequently the Standard Model should be extended.

        The subject of my PhD thesis is focused on the search for this decay in the isotope 100Mo. My main activity aims at the preparation and operation of an underground bolometric pilot experiment named CUPID-Mo, which adopts the technology developed within the project LUMINEU. This approach foresees the use of cryogenic scintillating bolometers as detectors to search for double beta decay. They are made of scintillating crystals of Li2100MoO4 coupled to NTD Ge thermistors and light detectors, and work in the range 10-20 mK.

        R&D tests of enriched Li2100MoO4 crystals were performed at the Underground Laboratory of Modane (LSM) during several runs, showing excellent results in terms of radiopurity and performance. The outcome of the R&D allowed us to move to the next stage of the experiment, named CUPID-Mo demonstrator. This experiment will be performed in LSM before the end of 2017 with 20 enriched Li2100MoO4 crystals, with the goal to achieve a background of 10-3 counts/keV/kg/y in the ROI and to prove that this technology meets the CUPID (CUORE Upgrade with Particle Identification) requirements for a ton-scale experiment.

Auteur principal

Mlle Anastasiia Zolotarova (CEA/IRFU/SPP)

Documents de présentation