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Searching for di-Higgs Production at the ATLAS Experiment

par Mme Elizabeth Brost (Northern Illinois University )

200/1-101 - Salle 101 (IJCLab)

200/1-101 - Salle 101


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The particle physics community has been working to study the properties of the Higgs boson since its discovery in 2012. As part of the Higgs physics program, the ATLAS experiment has conducted searches for di-Higgs (hh) production, which will allow us to measure the Higgs self-coupling and compare to Standard Model (SM) predictions. We can also search for enhanced hh production in beyond-the-SM scenarios, such as resonant production via a new heavy scalar, or non-SM couplings to the Higgs boson, either of which would increase the hh cross section. In this talk, I will present ATLAS searches for hh production using a variety of final states, as well as their combination.